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Equal Opportunities

The Max Planck Society (MPS) is dedicated to putting into action the Equal Opportunities commandment, which is described in the German Federal Law. In order to do so, the Society has set internal goals to foster gender equality in terms of the promotion of women. To achieve a balanced employment of women and men, the MPS strives for a permanent implementation of a family-conscious personnel policy (see also Family and Career).

The Equal Opportunities Commissioner at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology helps with the implementation of these goals and is also the contact person for all questions regarding gender equality and gender sensibility. She contributes to all personnel, organisational and social measures that concern gender equality of women and men, compatibility of family and work and protection against sexual harrassment and mobbing at the workplace.

The Equal Opportunities Commissioner is a woman who is elected every four years by the female employees of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

More information:


Equal Opportunities Commissioner:

Mimi Arandjelovic
Office: u2.85
Tel.: +49 341 3550-222

Kirsten Bos 
Office: u3.14
phone: +49 341 3550-778