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PhD students’ representatives

Please contact your PhD student representatives with your ideas and suggestions for additional supplementary seminars or topics for the PhD lecture series that may be of interest for many PhD students.

NameDepartment affiliation
Frederic BlumLinguistic and Cultural Evolution (MPI)
Augusto Dalla RagioneHuman Behavior, Ecology and Culture (MPI)
Carlota Galán PlanaPrimate Behavior and Evolution (MPI)
Eduardo Martin GonzalezEvolutionary Genetics (MPI)
Marie MichaelComparative Cultural Psychology (MPI)
Marie PadbergComparative Cultural Psychology (MPI)
Hannah Olivia RauschHuman Origins (MPI)
Yaniv SwielEvolutionary Genetics (MPI)

Teresa Zeibig
(External PhD representative)

Archaeogenetics (MPI)