PhD thesis submission
Depending on the faculty you have been enrolled as doctoral student, the procedure for submitting your PhD thesis may differ. At the Faculty of Life Sciences at LU, for example, you must open the doctoral procedure electronically under
Please contact Christina Kompo before submitting your PhD thesis approximately 1 month in advance to discuss the individual requirements from your faculty, the documents that need to be sumbitted, thesis layout, members of your doctoral committee, reviewers and define the time frame necessary until you will defend and receive your degree certificate.
It will also be necessary to submit several hardbound copies of your thesis to the faculty. You can have printed up to 5 copies of your thesis at our Multimedia department. However, the documents can not be bound at the MPI nor can the costs for the binding works be covered through the institute.
Here you can find a few Leipzig copy shops which work fast and also at relatively short notice.